4 March 2017


After a stress filled few terms at school my parents decided it was about time for us to head out on holiday again to relax before my GCSEs kick in. After multiple discussions, we booked our flight to Naples, Florida where we would soak up sunny beams and catch up on some needed zzz's.

Not only did we bake alive under the 26 degree heat, we also made some lovely acquaintances at the hotel's 'Cookie Time' - possibly the best part of the day! Of course, it was close to impossible to ignore the current political situation happening in America, therefore we embraced their ideas and challenged them respectively.

Through those that I spoke to I began to realise a particular similarity, that being they wanted change. Some believed that though Obama did enforce dramatic changes, they needed more and at a faster rate which they trusted Trump would do. They seemed to have an understanding of the flaws that Trump has been pressed with, however, were accepting towards them, concluding to the fact that 'everyone has slip ups, everyone has flaws, but the press want to destroy his reputation and his history is where they find ease. He will listen to the people.' I still struggle to comprehend how this man became president, but it has been decided through the people of America that Trump will be the one to lead them forward to 'greatness' in his presidency. Therefore, we must not fight with weapons and anger, but if we need to with compassion.

I am so grateful to have been able to fly off to somewhere new. Here's to new adventures - the world is the best piece of art so go find your favourite painting.