18 July 2016


My inner 5 year old's heart skipped a beat at the sight of this statement Pink Gingham Rain Coat from Jack Wills, but followed by sad drop to an almighty low when the price tag was seen. Unfortunately (well kind of fortunately), I couldn't stop my hand from reaching into my purse and pursuing the exchange. The deal was done.

This coat is perfect for the British Spring and Summer time as it's both bright and beautiful as well as waterproof! It is a great length on me (considering my height), but I occasionally have to be careful that it doesn't look like I'm wandering around with nothing on underneath - I was unaware of this in the photos taken by my lovely friend. You can also tighten the waist with a lil' pink tie to shape the coat further. IN ADDITION, IT HAS POCKETS!! Just a necessity I was very very happy about when my purchase arrived.

Update: Currently, I am volunteering at a children's group to which I wore this coat. A girl named Isabelle happily skipped up to me and gave me a high five. When I asked what it was for she simply replied, "We're twins!". That was when I noticed that we were both wearing very similar coats, different only in size...

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